UEL welcomes the adoption of the Spanish Amnesty Law

The UEL group welcomes the recent adoption of the Spanish Amnesty Law which symbolizes the achievement of the Catalan people in the battle for the recognition of their fundamental rights.

The UEL believes the Amnesty Law will put an end to repression over the Catalan independence movement and allow political negotiation on equal terms between the Catalans and the Spanish state, as has been recommended by PACE in its previous resolutions.

The UEL calls on the Council of Europe bodies to monitor the proper application of this law, especially as certain judges inside the Spanish judicial system openly oppose this law and the government. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to guarantee the impartiality of judges which is a fundamental principle resulting from article 6 of the ECHR of which Spain is a signatory.

The UEL will keep supporting all actors who work in the spirit of dialogue and respect for the rule of law, democracy and human rights, towards finding a peaceful resolution of the Catalan question and overcoming the political differences without resorting to criminal law.